Each year at Aggie Musters around the world, the names of Aggies who have passed away during the previous 12 months are read aloud and one or more of their friends, family members, and fellow Aggies answer “Here”, symbolizing that fallen Aggie’s presence in spirit.
It’s an amazing tradition and an honor no Aggie will ever go without.
The Association of Former Students provides a list of all the Aggies who who have passed in the past year. The Wharton County A&M Club uses that list to identify fallen Aggies that live in or are connected to Wharton County. Those we have identified so far are:

If there is anyone you know whose name should be on this list—any Aggie who you would like to be called and answered for during this year’s Wharton County Aggie Muster, please use the form below to add their name or contact Robin Hensley ’03 at wcagsmuster@gmail.com or 979-541-9004.